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On-Demand Conference

On-Demand Sessions At-A-Glance

On-Demand Session Details

Aligning ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors with WA SEL Standards

This sectional will equip attendees to understand the intersection between the WA State SEL Standards and the ASCA Student Standards: Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success. They will receive instruction on how to align their Tier I classroom instruction so that they are hitting both targets with intention, purpose, and efficiency.

Renee' Schoening
Assistant Professor / Director of School Counseling & SEL Graduate Programs
Whitworth University

The Big, Bad, "B" Word

Tired of the angry emails and phone calls? Tired of parents and schools being at odds? Tired of all of the social division creeping into schools without a way to handle it? Tired of EVERYTHING being called "bullying"? Tired of the "same old same old" not working? Chris will show you the simple, fun, laugh-out-loud methods to help unite schools and parents, and help students achieve unbelievable growth in social emotional learning and resilience!

Chris Scheufele
Chris in the Classroom

Choosing Calm: Developing Emotional Regulation Skills in Students

Join this session to learn creative, evidence-based practices for school-wide, small group, and individual student support, systems, and instruction to help students regulate. In this very practical, strategy-rich presentation, we will share book lists, tools, and resources that will enhance the effectiveness of your comprehensive school counseling program in meeting the needs of dysregulated students. Learn how to incorporate brain-smart strategies into your lessons and how we are transforming our school-wide behavioral response system by adding calming rooms to meet regulation needs as we respond to disruptive student behaviors.

Rebecca Bowen
School Counselor
Enumclaw School District

Jessica Kelly
School Counselor
Enumclaw School District

Did it work?!? Assessing CSCP Effectiveness

To achieve the best results for students, comprehensive school counseling program (CSCP) staff annually assess their program, systems, and tiered supports to determine how students are different as a result. This data then informs decisions about improvements to CSCP design and delivery to improve student impact. Join us for tips, strategies, and protected time to get started in assessing your program's effectiveness. Bonus: Meet the one-and-only Dr. Trish Hatch for selfies and book signings from 12:00-1:00 p.m.!

Whitney Triplett
Executive Director
Hatching Results

Dr. Trish Hatch
CEO / Founder
Hatching Results

Paul Meyers
Executive Director
Hatching Results

Empowering Inclusivity and Sense of Belonging in Gender Inclusive Schools

Join us for an insightful workshop aimed at nurturing a sense of belonging for students of all gender identities, while maintaining strong relationships with diverse community members. In this dynamic session, we'll explore practices that foster equitable, inclusive environments where every student and family can feel valued and accepted.

Through engaging discussion, participants will explore the nuances of gender-inclusive policies and learn how to navigate legal frameworks while supporting a school culture that celebrates diversity. From understanding gender identity to implementing inclusive practices, this workshop equips attendees with strategies to champion equity and create safe spaces for all students and families, irrespective of their gender identity or expression.
This workshop will empower and ready counselors to have important conversations with students, parents and community members about the impact of student sense of belonging on both health and culture. Join us in cultivating a more inclusive future for our schools.

Tim Nootenboom
Associate Superintendent
Central Valley School District

Rhiannon Catlett
School Counselor, North Pines Middle School
District School Counselor Coordinator, Central Valley School District
Adjunct Professor, Whitworth University

Implement Effective Small Groups - MTSS & Tier II intervention

Are you looking for a way to affect your identified goals, areas of growth and achievement gaps through Tier II interventions? Do you want new ideas and curriculum to implement right away when you are back in your building?

Join this session and learn about implementing effective Tier II small groups from start to finish! We will be sharing information about universal screeners for Tier II small groups, ideas for topics and group formation, how to effectively schedule groups, and handing out curriculum resources including pre- and post-assessments.

Elementary, middle and high school counselors are welcome to join with group topics including identity, post-secondary/AVID exploration, anxiety and stress coping, and relationship skill-building. If you have ever felt nervous about starting small groups in your role, or need some new ideas to energize your current Tier II intervention program, this session is for you!

Meche Grace
School Counselor
Cascade School District

Implementing SEL + Trauma Informed Practices in a Rural Community

This presentation will focus on implementing practical and applicable successful trauma-informed regulation approaches, interventions, and progress monitoring within a comprehensive school counseling program. These results are the implementation of three years of data assessments on social-emotional and behavioral initiatives aligned with career and peer leadership at the elementary school. These interventions will be delivered throughout all MTSS tiers of support, and through a comprehensive Telehealth Counseling program and resources with students and families in a rural community.

Mabel Thackeray
Elementary School Counselor
Quillayute Valley School District

Integrating Equity and Anti-Racist Social Emotional Learning in the Classroom

This session will provide participants with social emotional learning curriculum that specifically focuses on anti-racism and social justice advocacy for school counselors to deliver in the classroom. School counselors will learn how to help their students develop advocacy skills and to become systems change agents. It is important as we serve as change agents, we teach our students to act as advocates to change their school system and communities as well. Workshop participants will not only be given curriculum they can utilize but a framework to support the integration of social justice and anti-racist themes throughout the academic curriculum.

Mary Amanda Graham
Professor and Program Director
Seattle University

Ryan Bunda
Elementary School Counselor
McMicken Heights Elementary School

Mission Possible: Thriving with Large Caseloads in Elementary Schools

This presentation aims to address the common challenge faced by many elementary school counselors - managing large caseloads. With ever-increasing demands on counselors, it's crucial to explore innovative strategies for maintaining quality support for students. Our session will delve into practical solutions, best practices, and research-backed approaches to help school counselors thrive in their roles and make a lasting impact on students' lives.

Erin Legg
School Counselor
Hunt Elementary School

Motivational Interviewing in Small Groups and Classroom Lessons

Before students can increase grades, build healthy relationships, or pursue career plans in earnest, they must be deeply motivated. Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an evidence-based counseling style that taps into students’ own motivation to make positive changes in their lives. MI has gained traction in school counseling as an individual counseling intervention, but it can be used in small groups and classroom lessons, too! In this session, participants will learn how to integrate MI techniques into small group and classroom instruction…and will leave with actual curriculum!

Reagan North
Assistant Professor
Liberty University

The First Step to Changing A Child's Perspective is to Understand it

When mentioning socioeconomic issues in persistence for African American male students, “Culture of Poverty” is a key factor which implies that poverty is passed from one generation to the next through learned behavior. Physiological, social influences, and esteem needs are deficiency needs, which arise due to deprivation.  This interactive session provides counselors with specific strategies to engage all learners. Counselors will learn how effective relationship building with children is fundamental for student and school success.
This insightful session will provide counselors  with a better understanding of why we are dealing with so many students who are at-risk, as well as, specific strategies to engage ALL learners. Counselors will learn how effective relationship building with children is fundamental for student and school success. Understanding the reason we teach, with special emphasis on the student is the central theme of this presentation. Dr. Tommie Mabry will offer the counselors a refreshing look into the eyes of the students from his own experience as a student at risk as well as an educator.

Learning Objectives:
  • Implement teaching to capture and inspire ALL learners
  • Affirm and validate counselors’ effectiveness
  • Learn a framework for reshaping school culture, affording counselors  and students an opportunity to become part of the solution collaboratively
  • Answer the key question, Now that we understand today’s student, what do we do with them?

Tommie Mabry

The Power of Connection: Innovative Practices that Build Community in Schools

Love and belonging is at the heart of learning according to Maslow, Glasser and many other theorists and researchers. When humans feel connected, their stress levels decrease and they experience more success in the workplace, at school, and in life. So, how do we teach and practice connection in schools?
In this session, participants will learn new, innovative practices that foster self-awareness, positive relationships, and compassionate communication. Through upbeat, playful activities mixed with reflection, participants will:
  1. Experience 5 Connectors (partner + small group activities)
  2. Learn a 4-step framework for communicating effectively
  3. Understand the steps of a VIP Compliment and why it’s crucial to teach giving/receiving compliments
  4. Learn how to implement accountability buddies in school.
  5. Leave with a plan to implement immediately.

Lyndsay Morris
Generation Wellness

School Counselor Time Hacks

What is the biggest problem you face as a school counselor? Let's say it together....there is NEVER ENOUGH TIME. With so many tasks on your daily to-do lists and a revolving door of student, staff and community needs, it is easy to get flooded and overwhelmed. Come join our session to learn over 10 amazing efficiency hacks to save you time communicating with parents and staff, collect and analyze data for stakeholders, and create lasting connections with students along the way.

Patti Hoelzle
School Counseling Consultant and Coach
Rooted Well Coaching

School Counselors as Anti-Racist Practitioners and Social Justice Advocates

School counselors are essential in systemic anti-racist practices and social justice advocacy within school systems. The role of the school counselor is and should be that of a leader and advocate in the building. School counselors are unique in that they are able to impact the entire school community through services. These services should not be limited to individual academic, social-emotional and career focus. School counsellors are agents of change.They promote anti-racist practices, create and advocate for equity and inclusion, advocate for marginalised students and families, advocate for policy change, and provide a focus on school wide diversity, equity, inclusion and justice through curriculum and groups. School counsellors serve as a support for students and families of color.School counsellors are able to confront inequities and educate school systems holistically through MTSS services. School counselors play a vital role in promoting social justice advocacy and anti-racist practices within the school system.

Mary Amanda Graham
Professor and Program Director
Seattle University

Understanding Grief After Suicide: Supporting Children & Youth

This workshop is for behavioral health professionals that support children and adolescents who are bereaved by suicide including what useful support for a suicide loss survivor looks like. The presentation will also cover suicide prevention using Forefront’s Suicide Prevention LEARN® model to identify an individual at risk for suicide, including an overview on screening tools. Safety planning intervention will also be incorporated into this presentation.

Charlene Ray
Forefront Trainer
Forefront Suicide Preventions

Empowering Inclusivity and Sense of Belonging in Gender Inclusive Schools

Join us for an insightful workshop aimed at nurturing a sense of belonging for students of all gender identities, while maintaining strong relationships with diverse community members. In this dynamic session, we'll explore practices that foster equitable, inclusive environments where every student and family can feel valued and accepted.

Through engaging discussion, participants will explore the nuances of gender-inclusive policies and learn how to navigate legal frameworks while supporting a school culture that celebrates diversity. From understanding gender identity to implementing inclusive practices, this workshop equips attendees with strategies to champion equity and create safe spaces for all students and families, irrespective of their gender identity or expression.
This workshop will empower and ready counselors to have important conversations with students, parents and community members about the impact of student sense of belonging on both health and culture. Join us in cultivating a more inclusive future for our schools.

Tim Nootenboom
Associate Superintendent
Central Valley School District

Rhiannon Catlett
School Counselor, North Pines Middle School
District School Counselor Coordinator, Central Valley School District
Adjunct Professor, Whitworth University

Student Agency: How to center student choice and voice in your school

How can we center student agency for systemic change? Many of our students' educational experience is something that is done “to them” instead of “with them”. How do we create a more positive climate & culture in our classrooms, hallways, schools, and communities where student choice and voice is centered? By creating space for building and maintaining relationships. Come to this resource-packed session to learn how to shift the culture of your school towards inclusion & compassion.

Kat Pastor
Executive Director of School Support
Character Strong

What 17,502 girls have to say about social media, relationships, stress and school

Today’s girls are facing unprecedented social, emotional and personal challenges. Presenting just released original research from 17,000+ girls across the country, learn the effect that social media, stress culture, relationship navigation and confidence challenges have on this generation of girls as well as the ensuing impact on school engagement, course selection, interpersonal behavior, educational attainment and career aspiration.

Nancy Willis
Program Director
Ruling Our eXperiences (ROX)

Angel Mensing
Director of School Partnerships
Ruling Our eXperiences (ROX)

What NOW? Transformative Trauma-Responsive Counseling: Bridging Knowledge to Action

Have you experienced professional development on trauma-informed care and ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) that left you and your staff wanting so much more? Come to this session to equip yourself with strategies that will take you and your staff from not just INFORMED but RESPONSIVE and ready for action in the day-to-day of creating safe havens for students. We will explore multi-tiered strategies for students that have experienced trauma as well as explore ideas to help move your staff mindset and buy-in to this important work as well.

Patti Hoelzle
School Counseling Consultant and Coach
Rooted Well Coaching

When Helping is Hurting

Secondary Trauma is an unavoidable reality for school counselors. This sectional aims to help counselors identify the signs that they may be at risk for burnout or impaired functioning as a result of secondary trauma. Participants will learn evidence based mitigation strategies that will help them increase resilience and overall wellness.

Renee' Schoening
Assistant Professor / Director of School Counseling & SEL Graduate Programs
Whitworth University

You are already doing ASCA!

Come and talk about the ASCA National Model with your WSCA President Elect! Marin offers her experience from having been in very different implementations of the ASCA National Model in multiple districts and schools throughout SW WA. No matter where you are or who is on your team right now, you are already “doing ASCA”! We will be looking at how to design, implement, and assess your program with the lens to meet you where you are right now. You are encouraged to bring your questions and concerns - this is meant to be an interactive session with the intent to motivate you to keep doing ASCA in your buildings and districts!

Marin Marks
School Counselor
Camas High School

Clock hours will be granted to conference participants.